Source code for

"""Module with the Textual app that scans for Bluetooth Low Energy advertisements."""
from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from platform import system
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from bleak import BleakScanner

    from argparse import Namespace

    from bleak.backends.device import BLEDevice
    from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData

from import App, ComposeResult
from textual.reactive import reactive
from textual.widgets import DataTable, Footer, Header, Input, Switch

if system() == "Linux":
    from bleak.assigned_numbers import AdvertisementDataType
    from bleak.backends.bluezdbus.advertisement_monitor import OrPattern
    from bleak.backends.bluezdbus.scanner import BlueZScannerArgs

from humble_explorer.renderables import RichAdvertisement, RichDeviceAddress, RichTime
from humble_explorer.widgets import FilterWidget, SettingsWidget

from . import __version__

__author__ = "Koen Vervloesem"
__copyright__ = "Koen Vervloesem"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs]class BLEScannerApp(App[None]): """A Textual app to scan for Bluetooth Low Energy advertisements.""" CSS_PATH = "app.css" BINDINGS = [ ("q", "quit", "Quit"), ("f", "toggle_filter", "Filter"), ("s", "toggle_settings", "Settings"), ("t", "toggle_scan", "Toggle scan"), ("c", "clear_advertisements", "Clear"), ] address_filter = reactive("") #: :meta private: def __init__(self, cli_args: Namespace) -> None: """Initialize BLE scanner. Args: cli_args (argparse.Namespace): Command-line arguments. """ # Configure scanning mode self.scanner_kwargs = {"scanning_mode": cli_args.scanning_mode} if system() == "Linux": if cli_args.scanning_mode == "passive": # Passive scanning with BlueZ needs at least one or_pattern. # The following matches all devices. self.scanner_kwargs["bluez"] = BlueZScannerArgs( or_patterns=[ OrPattern(0, AdvertisementDataType.FLAGS, b"\x06"), OrPattern(0, AdvertisementDataType.FLAGS, b"\x1a"), ], ) elif cli_args.scanning_mode == "active": # Disable duplicate detection of advertisement data # for a more low-level view of what packets are really sent. self.scanner_kwargs["bluez"] = BlueZScannerArgs( filters={"DuplicateData": True}, ) elif system() == "Darwin": self.scanner_kwargs["cb"] = {"use_bdaddr": cli_args.macos_use_address} # Configure Bluetooth adapter self.scanner_kwargs["adapter"] = cli_args.adapter # Configure scanner self.scanner_kwargs["detection_callback"] = self.on_advertisement self.scanning = False # Initialize empty list of advertisements self.advertisements: list[tuple[datetime, str, AdvertisementData]] = [] super().__init__()
[docs] def set_title(self) -> None: """Set the title of the app with a description of the scanning status.""" scanning_description = "Scanning" if self.scanning else "Stopped" shown_advertisements = self.query_one(DataTable).row_count all_advertisements = len(self.advertisements) self.title = f"HumBLE Explorer {__version__} - {shown_advertisements} / {all_advertisements} ({scanning_description})" # noqa: E501
[docs] def action_toggle_settings(self) -> None: """Enable or disable settings widget.""" settings_widget = self.query_one(SettingsWidget) settings_widget.display = not settings_widget.display
[docs] def action_toggle_filter(self) -> None: """Enable or disable filter input widget.""" filter_widget = self.query_one(FilterWidget) filter_widget.display = not filter_widget.display if filter_widget.display: self.set_focus(filter_widget)
[docs] async def action_toggle_scan(self) -> None: """Start or stop BLE scanning.""" if self.scanning: await self.stop_scan() else: await self.start_scan()
[docs] def action_clear_advertisements(self) -> None: """Clear the list of received advertisements.""" self.advertisements = [] self.query_one(DataTable).clear()
[docs] def compose(self) -> ComposeResult: """Create child widgets for the app. Returns: The child widgets for the app. """ yield Header() yield Footer() yield SettingsWidget(id="sidebar") yield FilterWidget(placeholder="address=") yield DataTable(zebra_stripes=True)
[docs] def show_data_config(self) -> dict[str, bool]: """Return dictionary with which advertisement data to show. Returns: dict[str, bool]: Each key has the value ``True`` if this advertisement type should be shown and ``False`` if not. """ return { "local_name": self.query_one("#local_name", Switch).value, "rssi": self.query_one("#rssi", Switch).value, "tx_power": self.query_one("#tx_power", Switch).value, "manufacturer_data": self.query_one("#manufacturer_data", Switch).value, "service_data": self.query_one("#service_data", Switch).value, "service_uuids": self.query_one("#service_uuids", Switch).value, }
[docs] async def on_advertisement( self, device: BLEDevice, advertisement_data: AdvertisementData, ) -> None: """Show advertisement data on detection of a BLE advertisement. Args: device (~bleak.backends.device.BLEDevice): The device advertising the data. advertisement_data (~bleak.backends.scanner.AdvertisementData): The advertised data. """ self.log(advertisement_data.local_name, device.address, advertisement_data) # Append advertisement to list of all advertisements now = self.advertisements.append((now, device.address, advertisement_data)) # Create renderables for advertisement and add them to table table = self.query_one(DataTable) self.add_advertisement_to_table( table, RichTime(now), RichDeviceAddress(device.address), RichAdvertisement(advertisement_data, self.show_data_config()), )
[docs] async def on_mount(self) -> None: """Initialize interface and start BLE scan.""" table = self.query_one(DataTable) table.add_columns("Time", "Address", "Advertisement") # Set focus to table for immediate keyboard navigation table.focus() # Set up Bleak scanner and start BLE scan self.scanner = BleakScanner(**self.scanner_kwargs) await self.start_scan()
[docs] def on_switch_changed(self, message: Switch.Changed) -> None: """React when the switch is ticked or unticked. Show or hide advertisement data depending on the state of the switches. Args: message (textual.widgets.Switch.Changed): The message with the changed switch. """ if "view" in message.switch.classes: self.recreate_table()
[docs] def on_input_changed(self, message: Input.Changed) -> None: """Filter advertisements with user-supplied filter. Args: message (textual.widgets.Input.Changed): The message with the user's changed input. """ if message.value.startswith("address="): self.address_filter = message.value[8:].upper() else: self.address_filter = ""
[docs] def watch_address_filter(self, old_filter: str, new_filter: str) -> None: """React when the reactive attribute address_filter changes. This recreates the table. Args: old_filter (str): The old value of the filter. new_filter (str): The new value of the filter. """ self.recreate_table()
[docs] def recreate_table(self) -> None: """Recreate table with advertisements.""" table = self.query_one(DataTable) table.clear() for advertisement in self.advertisements: self.add_advertisement_to_table( table, RichTime(advertisement[0]), RichDeviceAddress(advertisement[1]), RichAdvertisement(advertisement[2], self.show_data_config()), )
[docs] def scroll_if_autoscroll(self) -> None: """Scroll to the end if autoscroll is enabled.""" if self.query_one("#autoscroll", Switch).value: self.query_one(DataTable).scroll_end(animate=False) self.query_one(DataTable).refresh()
[docs] def add_advertisement_to_table( self, table: DataTable, now: RichTime, device_address: RichDeviceAddress, rich_advertisement: RichAdvertisement, ) -> None: """Add new row to table with time, address and advertisement. Args: table (textual.widgets.DataTable): The table to add an advertisement to. now (RichTime): The time. device_address (RichDeviceAddress): The device address. rich_advertisement (RichAdvertisement): The advertisement. """ if device_address.address.startswith(self.address_filter): table.add_row( now, device_address, rich_advertisement, height=max(device_address.height(), rich_advertisement.height()), ) self.scroll_if_autoscroll() # Always update the title: the total number of advertisements also changes if # the advertisement isn't shown. self.set_title()
[docs] async def start_scan(self) -> None: """Start BLE scan.""" self.scanning = True self.set_title() await self.scanner.start()
[docs] async def stop_scan(self) -> None: """Stop BLE scan.""" self.scanning = False self.set_title() await self.scanner.stop()