Source code for humble_explorer.renderables

"""Module with Rich renderables for HumBLE Explorer's user interface."""
from __future__ import annotations

from string import printable, whitespace
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from uuid import UUID

    from datetime import datetime

    from bleak.backends.scanner import AdvertisementData

from bluetooth_numbers import company, oui, service
from bluetooth_numbers.exceptions import (
from rich._palettes import EIGHT_BIT_PALETTE
from import Style
from rich.table import Table
from rich.text import Text
from rich.tree import Tree

from humble_explorer.utils import hash8

__author__ = "Koen Vervloesem"
__copyright__ = "Koen Vervloesem"
__license__ = "MIT"

PRINTABLE_CHARS = printable.replace(whitespace, " ")

[docs]class RichTime: """Rich renderable that shows a time. All times within the same second are rendered in the same color. """ def __init__(self, time: datetime) -> None: """Create a RichTime object. Args: time (datetime): The time to show. """ self.full_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f") = Style( color=EIGHT_BIT_PALETTE[hash8(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))].hex, ) def __rich__(self) -> Text: """Render the RichTime object. Returns: Text: The rendering of the RichTime object. """ return Text(self.full_time,
[docs]class RichDeviceAddress: """Rich renderable that shows a Bluetooth device address aand OUI description. Every address is rendered in its own color. """ def __init__(self, address: str) -> None: """Create a RichDeviceAddress object. Args: address (str): The address to show. """ self.address = address = Style(color=EIGHT_BIT_PALETTE[hash8(self.address)].hex) try: self.oui = oui[self.address[:8]] except (UnknownOUIError, WrongOUIFormatError): # This could be macOS that returns a UUID instead of Bluetooth address self.oui = ""
[docs] def height(self) -> int: """Return the number of lines this Rich renderable uses.""" height = 1 if self.oui: height += 1 return height
def __rich__(self) -> Text: """Render the RichDeviceAddress object. Returns: Text: The rendering of the RichDeviceAddress object. """ if self.oui: return Text.assemble(Text(self.address,, f"\n{self.oui}") return Text(self.address,
[docs]class RichRSSI: """Rich renderable that shows RSSI of a device.""" def __init__(self, rssi: int) -> None: """Create a RichRSSI object. Args: rssi (int): The RSSI to show. """ self.rssi = rssi def __rich__(self) -> Text: """Render the RichRSSI object. Returns: Text: The rendering of the RichRSSI object. """ return Text.assemble((str(self.rssi), "green bold"), " dBm")
[docs]class RichUUID: """Rich renderable that shows a UUID with description and colors.""" def __init__(self, uuid128: str) -> None: """Create a RichUUID object. Args: uuid128 (str): The UUID to show. """ self.uuid128 = uuid128 def __rich__(self) -> Text: """Render the RichUUID object. Returns: Text: The rendering of the RichUUID object. """ # Colorize the 16-bit UUID part in a standardized 128-bit UUID. if self.uuid128.startswith("0000") and self.uuid128.endswith( "-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", ): colored_uuid = Text.assemble( "0000", (self.uuid128[4:8], "green bold"), "-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", ) else: colored_uuid = Text(self.uuid128) try: service_name = (service[UUID(self.uuid128)], "green bold") except UnknownUUIDError: service_name = ("Unknown", "red bold") return Text.assemble(colored_uuid, " (", service_name, ")")
[docs]class RichCompanyID: """Rich renderable that shows company ID and name.""" def __init__(self, cic: int) -> None: """Create a RichCompanyID object. Args: cic (int): The company ID to show. """ self.cic = cic def __rich__(self) -> Text: """Render the RichCompanyID object. Returns: Text: The rendering of the RichCompanyID object. """ try: manufacturer_name = (company[self.cic], "green bold") except UnknownCICError: manufacturer_name = ("Unknown", "red bold") return Text.assemble(f"0x{self.cic:04x} (", manufacturer_name, ")")
[docs]class RichHexData: """Rich renderable that shows hex data.""" def __init__(self, data: bytes) -> None: """Create a RichHexData object. Args: data (bytes): The hex data to show. """ = data def __rich__(self) -> Text: """Render the RichHexData object. Returns: Text: The rendering of the RichHexData object. """ # Python 3.7 doesn't have sep parameter for bytes.hex() hex_data_str = hex_data = " ".join( a + b for a, b in zip(hex_data_str[::2], hex_data_str[1::2]) ) return Text(hex_data, style="cyan bold")
[docs]class RichHexString: """Rich renderable that shows hex data as a string. Non-printable characters are replaced by a dot. """ def __init__(self, data: bytes) -> None: """Create a RichHexString object. Args: data (bytes): The hex data to show. """ = data def __rich__(self) -> str: """Render the RichHexString object. Returns: Text: The rendering of the RichHexString object. """ result = [] for byte in char = chr(byte) if char in PRINTABLE_CHARS: result.append(f" {char}") else: result.append(" .") return " ".join(result)
[docs]class RichAdvertisement: """Rich renderable that shows advertisement data.""" def __init__(self, data: AdvertisementData, show_data: dict[str, bool]) -> None: """Create a RichAdvertisement object. Args: data (AdvertisementData): The advertisement data to show. show_data (dict[str, bool]): Which data to show. """ = data self.show_data = show_data
[docs] def height(self) -> int: """Return the number of lines this Rich renderable uses.""" height = 0 if and self.show_data["local_name"]: height += 1 if and self.show_data["rssi"]: height += 1 if and self.show_data["tx_power"]: height += 1 if and self.show_data["manufacturer_data"]: height = height + 1 + 3 * len( if and self.show_data["service_data"]: height = height + 1 + 3 * len( if and self.show_data["service_uuids"]: height = height + 1 + len( return height
def __rich__(self) -> Table: """Render the RichAdvertisement object. Returns: Table: The rendering of the RichAdvertisement object. """ table = Table(show_header=False, show_edge=False, padding=0) # Show local name if and self.show_data["local_name"]: table.add_row( Text.assemble("local name: ", (, "green bold")), ) # Show RSSI if and self.show_data["rssi"]: table.add_row(Text.assemble("RSSI: ", RichRSSI( # Show TX Power if and self.show_data["tx_power"]: table.add_row( Text.assemble("TX power: ", RichRSSI(, ) # Show manufacturer data if and self.show_data["manufacturer_data"]: tree = Tree("manufacturer data:") for cic, value in company_structure = Tree( Text.assemble( RichCompanyID(cic).__rich__(), f" → {len(value)} bytes", ), ) company_structure.add( Text.assemble("hex → ", RichHexData(value).__rich__()), ) company_structure.add( Text.assemble("text → ", RichHexString(value).__rich__()), ) tree.add(company_structure) table.add_row(tree) # Show service data if and self.show_data["service_data"]: tree = Tree("service data:") for uuid, value in svc_uuid = Tree( Text.assemble(RichUUID(uuid).__rich__(), f" → {len(value)} bytes"), ) svc_uuid.add(Text.assemble("hex → ", RichHexData(value).__rich__())) svc_uuid.add(Text.assemble("text → ", RichHexString(value).__rich__())) tree.add(svc_uuid) table.add_row(tree) # Show service UUIDs with their description if and self.show_data["service_uuids"]: tree = Tree("service UUIDs:") for uuid in sorted( tree.add(RichUUID(uuid)) table.add_row(tree) return table